Basketball Hall | Features of Sports Wood Flooring

Basketball Hall | Features of Sports Wood Flooring

Features of sports wood floors:


1. Protection function of sports wood floor This is a professional functional wood floor different from ordinary wood floor. The impulse formed by people when exercising acts on the plane of the wooden floor to generate vibration. The structure of the sports wooden floor must have the function of shock absorption, and its protection function also considers that a person cannot affect the adjacent people when exercising on the wooden floor.

2. Technical functions of sports wooden floor The surface and structure cannot be damaged by this. This is the concept of the rolling load standard described in the DIN standard. In summary, the material selection and structural design of the wooden floor must meet the above requirements, and it is the professional sports functional wooden floor.

Sports wood floor technical team

3. Sports function of sports and sports wooden floor The rules of indoor ball games require that sports competitions or training are carried out on the ground, such as the take-off action of basketball and other ball sports and the bounce of the sphere, which requires the rebound of the sphere on the wooden floor The comparison coefficient value should be greater than or equal to 90% for rebound on concrete floors.