The characteristics of the sports wooden floor of the basketball hall

The characteristics of the sports wooden floor of the basketball hall

Characteristics of sports wooden floors in basketball halls


1. Comfort

For the current solid wood sports floor, comfort is very important, mainly because the current comfortable floor can reduce the injuries that occur in sports, and the solid wood sports floor will be moderately deformed when it encounters an impact. Moderation plays a very important role in an athlete's entire exercise process.

2. Firmness

Compared with the floor of other venues, it has the characteristics of firmness. We all know that athletes need to collide and rub against the floor when exercising. If the floor is not firm, it may hurt the athlete. As far as the floor is concerned, it has a very good firmness, which is also its biggest advantage.

Sports wood flooring manufacturers

3. Less tremor

Nowadays, many people will pay attention to the problem of tremor when choosing, because whether it is point tremor or regional tremor will have an impact on current athletes, so generally high-quality solid wood sports floors are less tremor, which is very important for today's athletes. The safety of the athletes in the entire gym can play a very important role, and this can also be easily felt in the entire exercise process.

4, easy maintenance

Mobilization needs to be trained every day. If this type of floor is troublesome in maintenance, it will affect the training of the entire athlete. Therefore, the floor of this gym must be easy and simple to maintain. Features, in the usual maintenance, only need to mop the surface of the pollution or scrub with water on it.