Gymnasium sports floor paint characteristics

Gymnasium sports floor paint characteristics

Gymnasium sports floor paint is the best water-based floor paint in China, and anti-slip is a very important indicator of sports floor, and many sports wood floor users ignore this. Therefore, there is a problem that the sports floor of the gymnasium is too slippery or too astringent in China, and there are very few sports wood floors that can really meet the anti-skid standard.

At present, many of the sports floors of gymnasiums in China are maintained by waxing and wiping with kerosene, which is a wrong approach. Sports wood floors should be maintained with non-slip certified materials. Gymnasium sports floors maintenance products such as polishes, cleaners, etc. should also be non-slip certified, which can ensure that the floor will still have the same anti-skid properties after maintenance. Effect. Water-based polyurethane paint is completely different from the solvent-based floor paint currently on the domestic market. Solvent-based floor paints have been phased out for environmental and quality reasons.